Tuesday, September 29, 2009

29 September 09

The Cowpokes pull out another one. They could be 3-0 if not for a last second field goal by the G-Men yet everyone is calling for their demise, seriously what are people watching? They are not that bad! I guess they are bored without TO to pick on in Dallas. Romo has always been overrated why are they just catching on now? Speaking of overrated what has happened to Jake Delhomme?

So Red Sux vs. Angels and Yankees vs. AL Central (Tigers or Twins, one will win that division at some point).

The NL is looking a little more exciting, no one is taking charge in that League at all.

Do you think it burns inside Tiger Woods to see Mickelson win a tournament that Tiger should have won?

NBA camps get underway today, this is another league that doesnt get interesting until the playoffs, bunch of whinny millionaires always talking about their individual stats. boring

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